Transfer Image Canvases • this heart of mine
Turn your favorite images into transfer image canvases!
16 Awesome CSS Libraries and Resources
Writing CSS is fun – at least I think it is. Some people loathe writing CSS but I love its quirks. CSS and I; we’re tight, yo! Sometimes I feel like I’m Leo DiCaprio, CSS is Kate Winslet and it’s all the other webby tech stuff that makes up the titanic ship we’re sailing on that will eventually hit an iceberg and destroy our relationship forever! CSS has come a long way over the years and is now capable of some pretty radical stuff. In fact CSS now does so much that sometimes it’s easier to use CSS generators and libraries to achieve a desired effect than doing everything from scratch. Here I’ve pooled a list of resources and libraries that I think you’ll love and will find useful when you next find yourself on a romantic stroll with CSS!
From Scratch Photo in Photoshop
Create a Heroic Firefighter Painting in Photoshop
It’s always interesting to watch how people accomplish things in photoshop. There can be obvious ways to accomplish a task, “the right way”, or one of hundreds of work-arounds to achieve a goal.
21 Design Projects
Sed non metus risus. Sed non elit vitae nunc condimentum pharetra. Sed dictum vehicula varius. Duis vestibulum molestie erat nec fringilla. Ut consectetur tellus sed turpis tempus consectetur. Pellentesque eget purus euismod, posuere arcu nec, volutpat tortor. Suspendisse consectetur lacinia elit eu maximus. Sed dapibus, sem a placerat bibendum, odio tellus congue metus, nec finibus lectus lectus et elit.
Reupholstering Used Furniture
Reupholster your old furniture
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer condimentum, nibh eget sodales consequat, lorem mauris luctus est, quis efficitur urna ante ac velit. Nullam semper nisi lacinia, eleifend metus sed, molestie mauris. Vivamus lacinia a turpis eu finibus. Suspendisse quam est, egestas ut ornare sit amet, condimentum in nisl. Donec ut ornare augue. Sed in urna quis tellus efficitur condimentum ac et turpis. Nam consectetur venenatis felis. Donec ut lacinia mauris. Sed scelerisque eros vitae massa pellentesque imperdiet. Pellentesque eu nisi efficitur, venenatis dui quis, vehicula enim. Suspendisse lobortis massa vel efficitur faucibus. Pellentesque vestibulum eleifend consectetur.
CSS Zen Garden
I’m inspired and amazed at what you can accomplish in CSS. As time allows I hope to build variations of this site simply by switching out the css.
Handmade Wire Wrapped Jewelry
Browse unique items from RecycledBeautifully on Etsy, a global marketplace of handmade, vintage and creative goods.
Source: Handmade Wire Wrapped Jewelry by RecycledBeautifully